Souzou Renkinjutsushi Wa Jiyuu Wo Ouka Suru: Kokyou Wo Tsuihou Saretara, Maou No Ohizamoto De Chouzetsu Kouka No Magic Item Tsukuri-Houdai Ni Narimashita

Souzou Renkinjutsushi Wa Jiyuu Wo Ouka Suru: Kokyou Wo Tsuihou Saretara, Maou No Ohizamoto De Chouzetsu Kouka No Magic Item Tsukuri-Houdai Ni Narimashita


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Thor Regus, a boy who lived in the empire, was banished to the territory of the Demon Lord by the hands of his father, the Duke.The reason was that he could only use [Alchemy] and didn’t have any combat skills.The empire was a military country, and those without combat skills were discriminated against.That is why the Empire decided to make him a hostage and sacrifice to the Demon Territory.This is a story about an exiled boy who transcends Empires and Heroes and transforms the Demon Territory into a civilized power.

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