I'm The Villainess But I'm So Popular

I'm The Villainess But I'm So Popular


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I possessed an extra character who is a villainess in a novel.I tried to live a quiet life without getting involved with the main character.“If you run away again, I’ll tie you up and take you to the palace.” The second prince, who only looked at the original heroine, is obsessed with me.“I didn’t do it for you, so don’t get me wrong.”My self-proclaimed rival seems to have a crush on me.“Ahh! She’s so beautiful!”“If only I had been hit by her magic once!”Suddenly, there is a fan club.“Come, let us all pray reverently while looking at the picture of the noble Yerine.” My favorite heroine became the president of the fan club.…Am I really the villainess?---- >(https://webtoon.kakao.com/content/%EC%95%85%EC%97%AD%EC%9D%B8%EB%8D%B0-%EC%9D%B8%EA%B8%B0%EA%B0%80-%EB%84%88%EB%AC%B4-%EB%A7%8E%EB%8B%A4/2672)

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